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Fast Trading Currencies

Easy steps to follow

How It works?

With FX Currency London Ltd, you can exchange your currency in three simple steps.

Add all the currencies required to the basket and fill in your information

Confirm the collection date and add your payment information

Collect your currencies in-store

Get money

Get your travel money

Click & Collect
Click & Collect

Reserve your currencies online and collect in-store.

Why Choose us?

Why FX Currency London?

We are one of London's renowned currency dealers.

Professional Services
Professional Services

Experience the professional yet friendly service at our 20 Parkway London NW1 7AA

Competitive Rates
Competitive Rates

We are foreign currency experts. We precisely tailor our exchange rates which stands competitive in the market.

Working With You
Working With You

Let's talk about your holiday which may allow us to advise you on how much foreign currency you need to carry.

Safe & Secure
Safe & Secure

FX Currency London Ltd is registered with HMRC and other regulatory bodies. This gives you peace of mind and assures you of being in safe hands.